How can we regenerate the world around us without first beginning with the self?

At Strategic Serendipity, this question drives our work.

Energy is energy, whether it’s what powers the HVAC or lighting systems within your building or campus, or what moves your body and gets the synapses in your brain to fire; it’s all the same energy.

Strategic Serendipity LLC is a WBE-certified sustainable design & consulting firm with a regenerative and holistic approach to the efficiency of energy systems in the built environment, nature, & the body, specializing in energy audits and management, solar O&M, permaculture design, meditation, mindfulness, & reiki.

We exist to facilitate & maximize efficiency and optimize energy flow.

Contact us, and take the first step towards regenerating yourself, your team, your building, and this beautiful planet together.


Meet our Founder

Blair S. Kershaw founded Strategic Serendipity LLC in September 2013 with a single mission rooted in the grand aspiration of regenerating the planet:

To arrest and reverse systems decline in a way that regenerates the human condition and spirit so that all systems of life can thrive


TEchnical Energy Expertise

Blair is a C.E.M. (Certified Energy Manager) with a decade of experience in energy efficiency and clean energy, both residentially and commercially. She holds a B.A. from Middlebury College and an M.D.S. in Sustainable Design from the Boston Architectural College.

Shortly after graduating in 2013 from the B.A.C., she founded Strategic Serendipity LLC, and has supported building performance and energy flow ever since.

She is working to counteract the burnout pattern within the sustainability industry, as we cannot regeneratively change the world around us without first regenerating ourselves.

Blair works collaboratively with a variety of partners and contractors to holistically build sustainability and regeneration into projects and into enterprises.


Physical & Metaphysical expertise

After a decade aspiring to change the world through energy efficiency and sustainability consulting, Blair had the realization that external change must begin internally, within the self. To change and regenerate the world around us, we must begin by changing and healing ourselves.

While on her own healing journey, it has been the combination of bodywork, movement therapies, and energy healing that changed her life and regenerated her body mind and spirit. Blair expanded her focus on energy from solely the technical to that of the physical and metaphysical and went back to school.

She studied at A Higher Balance Healing Center in Salem, MA to become a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), she completing a yoga teacher training at Health Yoga Life in downtown Boston to become a Certified Yoga Instructor (CYT-200), and studied at the Spirit Wellness Center in Salem, MA to become a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). Blair is a student of Craniosacral Therapy through the Upledger Institute, a Certified Zero Balancer (CZB) and a practitioner of NIS, short for Neurological Integration System.

From several years Blair ran the therapeutic energy clearing & bodywork side of the business from within the office of Charlestown Chiropractic, located at 175 Main Street in Charlestown, Massachusetts. When that space no longer felt resonant, Blair transitioned the business to a mobile treatment model in Massachusetts, traveling to homes and offices to offer her services, while simultaneously transitioning her life and business up to North Conway, NH.

Strategic Serendipity is currently working exclusively in North Conway, NH from within Be Well Studios, upstairs of The Local Grocer at 3358 White Mountain Highway, North Conway NH 03860.

Blair couldn’t be more excited and grateful to be living and working in an area more closely to nature and better aligns with the song of her soul.